I choose to attend a paint night with my friends on September 15th in Vets Hall! We chose to attend because we love painting and thought it would be a fun event to attend. This was the original event I thought I would attend in the beginning. At the paint night the artist was there and she walked us through the process of painting a city horizon. The night was a lot of fun as we learned different techniques to paint. The artist was very helpful and made sure every one was having a good time, and relatively at the same place. Also painting with my friends made for a fun story and and even better memory.
We had so much fun at our first paint night that we have attended to other paint nights! One was at the Gatsset Fitness Center and instead of painting what the artist had in mind me and my friends switched it up a little bit and painted other things! The other paint night was hosted by the Italian club and me and my friends pulled topics out of a hat about what we were all going to paint. That made our night that much more fun as we all tried to think about what we were going to do with our topics!
Attending these paint nights helped play a role in developing my sense of place by drawing my friends together to have a fun, stress free night!